Today, the Federal Communications Commission voted 5-0 to approve a further notice of proposed rulemaking (FNPRM) to expand the availability for open shared spectrum on unused broadcast channels, called TV white spaces (TVWS), in conjunction with the upcoming “incentive auction” of broadcast spectrum to wireless carriers.
The FCC also released a related FNPRM to ensure that wireless microphones will continue to work effectively after the incentive auction.
The following statement may be attributed to Harold Feld, Senior Vice President, Public Knowledge:
“Today the FCC follows through on the commitment made last May to strike the proper balance between our need for more open spectrum for innovation and next generation wifi, preserving traditional services such as wireless microphones, and protecting the exclusive licenses the FCC will auction to wireless carriers.
“The FCC’s item asks right questions. As Public Knowledge has insisted since Congress passed the Incentive Auction statute in 2012, we can make this a rare win-win-win by staying grounded in firm engineering analysis and working together on creative solutions to share our increasingly crowded public airwaves.
“Now is not the time for parties to return to their corners and simply restate their previous positions. This is not about whether next generation wifi is better than traditional services. It is about how best to strike the right balance to secure our wireless future.”
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