For the eighth and final installment of our 10 Years of the DMCA video interview series, I sat down with Electronic Frontier Foundation Senior Staff Attorney and recent IP3 award winner (for his work in the area of intellectual property) Fred von Lohmann. As you may already know, Fred has been involved in numerous cases relating to the DMCA and has also worked to help various parties apply for exemptions to the law.
Since we’re based in D.C. and Fred works out of the EFF’s offices in San Francisco, I had the brilliant idea to conduct and record the interview over iChat. Of course, the minute I started rolling tape, our Internet connection stopped cooperating and we lost the video feed. What’s more, the less-than-ideal connection led to a few sections of noticeably choppy audio during the course of the interview. The end result is a “video” that consists mostly of a static image, with captions that pop up during the more difficult to understand bits. Still, if you can manage to put up with the video’s amateurish quality, you’ll be treated to an insightful interview with one of intellectual property’s true rock stars–a rare treat, indeed.
Note, if you have trouble reading any of the subtitles, you might want to try watching the full-size version of the video.