Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, same as it ever was
Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, same as it ever was
Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, same as it ever was

    Get Involved Today

    From Common Cause, via Cory Doctorow at BoingBoing, we get a list of new astroturf Net Neutrality activist groups:

    • Hands Off the Internet
    • TV4US
    • NetCompetition.org
    • The Future… Faster
    • Video Access Alliance

    I like Craig Newmark's description of the problem, as Doctorow recalled it: “It's as though the phone company had a preferred pizza vendor that you could always get through to, while the others' numbers went through a rock-tumbler and a random-number-generator before you were connected to them.”

    Does “our side” ever try these shenanigans?