Public Knowledge recognizes the need for a digital regulator to resolve issues occurring in Big Tech. Review the following resources to learn more about how a sector-specific regulator could best protect consumers.

Blog Posts

November 16, 2022: Should Algorithms Be Regulated? Part 3: Evaluating Alternative Frameworks for Regulating Algorithms

May 29, 2022: Independent, But Together: How Antitrust and Regulation Can Work Synergistically To Benefit Consumers

May 27, 2022: Big Tech Competition Bills Don’t Address Content Moderation, and That’s A Good Thing

December 21, 2021: We Can Save Local News Without Upending Copyright Law

December 16, 2021: How To Give Consumers Competition and Protect Them Too

October 29, 2021: Is This Really Big Tech’s ‘Big Tobacco’ Moment? Only Congress Can Make It So.

October 6, 2021: Frances Haugen Wants A Digital Regulator — And So Does Facebook

August 11, 2021: Observe and Report: Facebook Versus NYU Ad Observatory Proves the Need for Policy Interventions

July 21, 2021: The Privacy Debate Reveals How Big Tech’s “Transparency and User Control” Arguments Fall Flat

June 17, 2021: Can the Journalism Competition & Preservation Act Really Preserve Local Journalism? Public Knowledge Says “Probably Not.”

April 29, 2021: Are You Wielding a Discriminatory Algorithm Against Consumers? The FTC Is Coming For You — But It Can’t Act Alone

February 11, 2021: Principles to Protect Free Expression on the Internet

January 12, 2021: Facebook and Twitter Made the Right Decision. Big Tech Is Still Too Powerful.

August 13, 2020: Let the Chips Fall Where They May: The 9th Circuit Gives Free Rein to Qualcomm’s Monopoly

August 12, 2020: Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Section 230 and Civil Rights

July 7, 2020: An Ounce of Preventive Regulation is Worth a Pound of Antitrust Enforcement: The Case for Platform CPNI

February 13, 2020: Key Elements and Functions of a New Digital Regulatory Agency

September 19, 2019: The Right Way to Regulate Digital Platforms

August 28, 2019: Keeping Thumbs Off the Scale: Nondiscrimination on Digital Platforms

April 4, 2019: A Regulator to Fit the Growing Regulatory Consensus

March 13, 2019: UK Digital Competition Report Builds the Case for Platform Regulation

February 22, 2019: To Make the Tech Sector Competitive, Antitrust Is Only Half the Answer

September 6, 2018: Groups Launch Broadband Connects America Coalition to End Rural Digital Divide

July 19, 2018: Part III: Cost of Exclusion as a Proxy for Dominance in Digital Platform Regulation

July 18, 2018: Platform Regulation Part II: Defining “Digital Platform”

May 24, 2018: Due Process, and Our Approach to Dominant Online Platforms

Press Releases

May 16, 2023: Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee for AI Oversight Hearing

March 7, 2023: Public Knowledge President and CEO Chris Lewis To Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee on Restoring Competition to Digital Markets

May 19, 2022: New Public Knowledge Paper Outlines How Regulation and Antitrust Law Can Work Synergistically To Rein In Big Tech

May 19, 2022: Public Knowledge Applauds Welch Digital Regulator Bill, Urges Commerce Committee Hearings

May 12, 2022: Public Knowledge Applauds Bill Creating Digital Regulator To Rein In Big Tech

November 30, 2020: Public Knowledge Applauds New UK Digital Regulator Coming Next Year

July 7, 2020: New Public Knowledge Paper Urges Congress to Adopt Law Protecting Vendor Data from Digital Platforms

July 1, 2020: U.K. Competition Authority Shows the Need for a Digital Regulator in the U.S.

March 9, 2020: Gene Kimmelman to Testify Before Senate Judiciary Committee on Digital Platform Competition

September 19, 2019: The Right Way to Regulate Digital Platforms

May 8, 2019: Public Knowledge and Roosevelt Institute Launch Guidebook to Regulating Digital Platforms

April 4, 2019: A Regulator to Fit the Growing Regulatory Consensus

May 24, 2018: Public Knowledge Releases Paper on Online Platforms and Due Process

July 18, 2017: Washington Center for Equitable Growth Launches Antitrust Paper on Digital Communications

Other Public Knowledge Content

Tell Congress to Create a Regulatory Agency for Digital Platforms (Action)

May 21, 2024: Digital Regulator Proposal: How To Rein in Big Tech (Factsheet)

May 21, 2024: Digital Regulator Proposal: Frequently Asked Questions (Factsheet)

March 7, 2023: Chris Lewis Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Testimony on Restoring Competition to Digital Markets

May 19, 2022: A Lesson From the Landmark AT&T Breakup: Both a Sector-specific Regulator and Antitrust Enforcers Were Needed

July 7, 2020: Mind Your Own Business: Protecting Proprietary Third-Party Information from Digital Platforms

May 8, 2019: The Case for the Digital Platform Act

May 8, 2019: The Case for the Digital Platform Act: Executive Summary

May 24, 2018: Even Under Kind Masters: A Proposal to Require that Dominant Platforms Accord Their Users Due Process

Key Media and Opinions

April 28, 2023: Artificial intelligence is another reason for a new digital agency (Brookings Institute)

May 12, 2022: Senator introduces bill giving Big Tech its own federal watchdog (Washington Post)

May 12, 2022: Big Tech would get its own regulator under new Senate bill (Washington Post)

May 8, 2019: To regulate digital platforms in the future, we should look to the past (World Economic Forum)

External Resources

January 24, 2024: Bipartisan Senate group letter pushing for a digital regulator

February, 2023: UNESCO’s Guidance for regulating digital platforms: a multistakeholder approach

April 15, 2022: Time For a New Digital Regulatory Authority

August 20, 2020: New Digital Realities; New Oversight Solutions

May 8, 2019: The Case for the Digital Platform Act: Foreword by Tom Wheeler

May 8, 2019: How To Take Big Tech (Forbes)