Public Knowledge Statement on RIAA Dropping Lawsuits
Public Knowledge Statement on RIAA Dropping Lawsuits
Public Knowledge Statement on RIAA Dropping Lawsuits

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    The following statement is attributed to Gigi B. Sohn, president and co-founder of Public Knowledge:

    “We are pleased that the RIAA has decided largely to drop its counter-productive strategy of suing its customers. We also have no objections to RIAA working closely with Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to pass along notices to those suspected of file-sharing, although ISPs should not be put into the improper role of ‘copyright cop.’

    “However, we want to make certain that customers are not cut off from their Internet service or have their service altered solely on the basis of a claim by a copyright holder that file sharing is taking place. Consumer rights must be protected as part of any process that involves action by an ISP to cut off or degrade service of a customer. In addition, we want to make clear that any arrangements between RIAA and the ISPs should not involve the invasion of customer privacy through the filtering of Internet content.

    “The public deserves to know more about these processes before they are put into place.”