UPDATE: We've received word that the CMA could be marked up as soon as this Wednesday. Now is the time to act.
If you've been reading the PK blog, you may have noted earlier today on Gigi's post some tidbits about the CMA. We've setup an Action Alert for you to act on and tell your friends about, here's a tidbit of it:
A new bill to be introduced in the House of Representatives called the “Copyright Modernization Act of 2006,” pulls together a number of copyright-related bills that have been floating around. One of those is HR 5553, titled “Section 115 Reform Act” (aka S1RA or SIRA), which is the latest music licensing reform bill to determine the terms online music services and digital music player manufacturers must abide by.
If you're worried, you should be–S1RA is a grab-bag of new licensing terms and exemptions for the music publishers that once again may limit consumers' rights. Here are two major problems with S1RA…
You can read more about the bill in Gigi's post, but one thing is for sure, S1RA is another copyright bill that tips the balance in favor of copyright owners, to the detriment of consumers and innovators.
Click here to go to the full Action Alert to find out how you can participate.