We're sending out an Action Alert today on Net Neutrality, and it's of the utmost importance. It urges folks to contact their member of Congress and ask them to support Rep. Ed Markey's the net neutrality amendment. Turn on C-Span now to watch the debate. Folks have to call now because the vote is happening later today or tomorrow!!!
Click read more below to read the action alert…
The very foundations that our Internet runs on are under attack. The neutrality that we now enjoy is threatened by the telephone and cable companies. They want to stop the free flow of information and commerce on the Internet, and give preferential treatment to different products and services based on how much extra money they are paid. It would be a discriminatory and anti-competitive practice.
Why is this suddenly an issue? Because Congress is now considering legislation to set new rules for broadband services. The courts and the FCC last year eliminated the rules that used to prohibit that type of discrimination when we all had dial-up service. We want to make sure that the telephone and cable companies don't turn our Internet into their private network. Consumers would lose as would e-commerce companies, bloggers, podcasters and everyone else who could be forced to pay not only for Internet access, but also to access to a separate network – if they are even allowed onto the network by the telephone and cable companies.
The most insidious part of this whole scheme is that big telephone and cable companies are pretending to be you! They are appearing as consumer groups and grass-roots organizations before the public and Congress. They have posted very convincing websites that purport to be working for the consumer. They are posting blog spam around the Internet, stating that Net Neutrality means the government will “take over the Internet”. These are powerful
statements that can easily sway the uninformed about this issue.Your connection to the open Internet is at stake right now. The House telecommunications bill casts the concept of an enforceable net neutrality policy aside. However – an amendment by Rep. Ed Markey will help to enforce the neutral nature of the Internet.
This is your chance to make a difference. Go to SaveTheInternet.com now and give your legislator a call. Ask them to support the Markey amendment for House Resolution 5252.
Make your voice heard. Go to SaveTheInternet.com now!
Thank you for the effort!
The Public Knowledge Team