We are happy to announce that Public Knowledge will host a third Adam Thomas Memorial Fellow in 2014. Adam’s friends and family came together this year to raise funds to support a new fellow in Adam’s honor. We wanted to share their stories about why remembering Adam with this Fellowship is important.
“Adam’s feather in life had settled upon his passion to make the power of information accessible and create an environment where our full creative potentials may thrive. He has held this passion when going to Pitt Law and earning his Intellectual Property Rights certification. He has worked towards this goal when working at the Electronic Freedom Foundation and he has laid to rest as he sought to reach his dream at Public Knowledge.
I remember January of 2010. Adam was finishing a treatment of chemotherapy in Philadelphia, his body weak and his head bald, but he was adamant that he was going to the first World’s Fair Use Day in D.C. He had worked in the initial stages at Public Knowledge to set it up and he wanted to see it flower in person. When he and I attended, I had the privileged opportunity to see technological freedom fighters take the stage and present their work and ideas. And, I know that this was only one small part of what Adam was doing at PK.
While Adam’s life encompassed much more than his work—he was a truly compassionate person and wonderful brother to me—I ask you to help honor him by helping more people with his passion to take his torch and reach toward his dream.”
– Ian Thomas
“One of my most cherished memories of Adam was the day he found out he had landed a coveted position at Public Knowledge, his excitement was palpable. Adam’s work at Public Knowledge was never just a job for him, but rather an unshakable passion and loyalty to protect tomorrow’s communication today. Adam came home from work night after night inspired and full of stories of his day’s work, and enthused to start it all again in the morning. To have witnessed Adam’s enthusiasm to innovate technology inspired me during the life we shared together, and continues to do so every day. Cancer may have claimed Adam’s life too young, but his commitment to public service is epitomized through this fellowship. I know that it would have thrilled him to have his legacy live on by bestowing this fellowship to worthy candidates that shared his vision.”
– Katie Strumpf
“It is enough for me to know that I did indeed make that positive impact.”
-Adam Thomas
The Adam Thomas Memorial Fellowship will support young talents in continuing the legal work that Adam cared so much about. To donate, please click here.