Consumer Organizations Request the Improvements in FCC’s Broadband Data Collection
Consumer Organizations Request the Improvements in FCC’s Broadband Data Collection
Consumer Organizations Request the Improvements in FCC’s Broadband Data Collection

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    The following statement may be attributed to Harold Feld, Legal Director, Public Knowledge, with regard to the filing of the attached letter from 6 consumer organizations requesting the FCC improve its broadband data collection:

    “The improvement to the FCC’s broadband data collection recommended here are critical to creating data-driven policy. As we have learned over the last 8 years, a real National Broadband Plan cannot rely only on data providers voluntarily chose to disclose. Only by collecting detailed data directly from the network providers, covering all aspects of broadband delivery from the ‘first mile’ through the ‘middle mile’ to the ‘last mile,’ can the FCC create a plan that identifies our real weaknesses and develops our full potential.”

    The letter is available here.