Democratic Leaders Introduce Net Neutrality Legislation
Democratic Leaders Introduce Net Neutrality Legislation
Democratic Leaders Introduce Net Neutrality Legislation

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    Today, Senator Edward Markey (D-MA), Representative
    Henry Waxman (D-CA), and Representative Anna Eshoo (D-CA), along with a strong
    coalition of Congressional Members, introduced a bill geared to restore the
    Open Internet Rules of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that were
    recently struck down by the DC Circuit Court of Appeals and remanded to the
    FCC.  The bill, H.R. 3982, would ensure that consumers are
    protected with these rules until the FCC takes action in response to the court

    The following statement can be attributed to
    Christopher Lewis, Vice President, Government Affairs:

    “Public Knowledge applauds these
    Members of Congress on their leadership in quickly crafting this legislation.
    The bill is a strong statement of support for open Internet rules. High level,
    basic open Internet rules, often referred to as net neutrality rules, protect
    consumers by ensuring we all have equal access to any content online. Without
    these rules, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) would limit new innovation and
    competitive services online and harm the growth of the Internet economy. Some
    ISPs have made it clear that in the absence of these rules, they plan to
    implement business models that will harm online innovation and potentially
    place tolls or barriers on online content.

    “The decision by the DC Circuit Court left a great deal of uncertainty for
    the Internet economy.  The bill ensures that consumers and businesses are
    protected during this period of uncertainty between the Court’s decision and
    the FCC’s action in response to the court’s remand. It is critical that the FCC
    acts quickly in response to the DC Circuit Court to protect an open Internet as
    we have always known it. They have clear authority to act and this bill
    provides protection for consumers while they deliberate.”