Eleven Companies and Organizations Support Senator Thune’s Consumer Review Freedom Act
Eleven Companies and Organizations Support Senator Thune’s Consumer Review Freedom Act
Eleven Companies and Organizations Support Senator Thune’s Consumer Review Freedom Act

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    Today, a group of 11 companies and organizations sent a letter to the Senate Commerce Committee, supporting a bill that will prevent form contracts from restricting consumers' rights to speak freely online.

    The following can be attributed to Sherwin Siy, VP of Legal Affairs for Public Knowledge:

    “In a number of cases, companies have hidden terms in form contracts that prevent and penalize consumers who later criticize the company. Terms like this not only prevent other consumers from getting a fair view of the business later, they also restrict consumers' free speech.

    “We're glad that the bill addresses this particular instance of anti-consumer provisions in form contracts, and we hope that it will incorporate strong measures to give it teeth.”

    A copy of the letter can be found here.