In case you hadn't seen this, FCC Chairman Kevin Martin said at the Consumer Electronics Show today that the Commission would look into the complaint filed against Comcast, for throttling Internet use, and the petition, based on an action by Verizon, for blocking text messaging.
Here's the story.
In the Comcast instance, a complaint was filed against Comcast and a petition for declaratory ruling was filed asking that the practice be seen as a violation of FCC Internet principles. In the text-messaging case, no complaint was filed, but a petition was filed asking that the practice of allowing a carrier to choose which messages get through be seen as a violation of law.
Our statement:
Public Knowledge is pleased to see that the Chairman and the Commission are willing to stand by their principles to protect American consumers. We look forward to FCC proceedings that will set determine what are legitimate uses of power by telecom companies, and which are not.
Information on the Comcast issue is here.
Information on the text-messaging petition, which was based on a Verizon action, is here.
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