The following statement is attributed to Gigi B. Sohn, president and co-founder of Public Knowledge:
“Public Knowledge is delighted to announce that Harold Feld is joining our organization today as legal director. I have known Harold for more than a decade. Harold is one of the most admired legal minds in the telecommunications field. His knowledge of subject matter ranges from the intricacies of spectrum policy to broadband regulation and intellectual property. Harold will be our lead attorney in issues before the Federal Communications Commission and in the courts. He will also continue to be the lead attorney for the Public Interest Spectrum Coalition, while mentoring the young attorneys at Public Knowledge.”
“Harold received his B.A. from Princeton University, and his J.D. from Boston University Law School. Harold practiced communications law at Covington & Burling and joined the Media Access Project in 1999. We are very glad he is joining PK to strengthen our work on protecting digital rights and encouraging broadband development.”
Feld said, “I am very much looking forward to working with Public Knowledge. I have known Gigi Sohn for many years and admire the work she has done building the organization into the respected organization it is today.”