Help Families with Loved Ones Behind Bars Stay Connected by Reducing the Cost of Phone Calls
Help Families with Loved Ones Behind Bars Stay Connected by Reducing the Cost of Phone Calls
Help Families with Loved Ones Behind Bars Stay Connected by Reducing the Cost of Phone Calls

    Get Involved Today

    Please join Public Knowledge in supporting the Media
    Literacy Project, Strong Families, and Thousand Kites in their efforts to produce
    “Calls from Home: Mama’s Day Special,” a radio project that connects
    incarcerated mothers to their families, friends, and

    Mother’s Day is a time to cherish the special connections in
    our families. Yet for the over 2 million people in our prison system, those
    connections are only maintained through a phone.

    Making calls from prison are expensive and up to 60% of what prisoners’
    families pay to speak to their loved ones behind bars have nothing to do
    with the cost of the phone service provided. The high rates of prison phone
    calls are the result of contracts between prisons and telephone companies
    that are awarded based on which company can provide the highest kickback
    to the prison and not who can provide the cheapest rates.

    On Friday, May 11th, the Prison Phone Justice Campaign is hosting
    a Mother’s Day of Action, asking the Federal Communications
    Commission to use its power to address the high cost of prison phone
    calls. We want to help collect 1,000 stories from people speaking up for
    the rights of prisoners and families to stay connected.

    If you can’t make a call, there are other ways to help these organizations
    efforts to reduce the cost for families to remain connected with their loved
    ones behind bars.

    One:  Share your story. Fill
    out this online postcard and we’ll submit your story to the Federal
    Communications Commission.  (If you would
    rather record your story call 877-518-0606)

    Two:  Tweet the postcard. Help
    us get to our goal of 1,000 stories by sharing the postcard through social
    media. Remember to use the hashtag #phonejustice.
    Sample Tweet: We want #phonejustice for prisoners. Tell the FCC to address
    the high cost of prison phone calls.

    Three:  Get organized. Download
    this toolkit and start organizing in your community.

    Four: Share this banner on Twitter and FacebookPrison Phones




    Help celebrate Mother’s Day by sending positive messages to
    the mothers, daughters and sisters behind bars. Sing a song, read a prayer,
    speak from the heart and let the mothers behind bars in our nation’s prisons
    know you’re thinking about them. Call to our toll-free 24/7 answering machine
    now at 877-410-4863 to leave a recording we’ll that will be played over the air and give hope to women
    behind bars.