Today, advocates, nonprofits, companies, and people just like you are taking part in a day of action to demonstrate what the Internet might look like if the Federal Communications Commission does not implement meaningful net neutrality rules. Websites including Netflix, Etsy, WordPress, Fourquare, and Vimeo are displaying a continuous site-loading icon as part of Internet Slowdown Day, in order to protest any rules that would create Internet fast lanes.
We are thrilled to see so many sites speaking out about the real impact of net neutrality. These sites rely on an open Internet, and they know that without strong rules upholding net neutrality their future is in peril.
Since the DC Circuit Court struck down the FCC’s net neutrality rules earlier this year, public interest groups, members of Congress, and businesses have been calling for Title II reclassification of broadband Internet in order to ensure real, nondiscriminatory net neutrality rules. This updated classification is the only way the FCC will have the authority to enforce meaningful net neutrality.
In five days, a final round of public comments on net neutrality will be due to the Federal Communications Commission. Take action here and tell the FCC to implement Title II and eliminate fast lanes on the Internet.
Today’s action by websites large and small speaks volumes about the importance of a free and open Internet. In addition to the websites you use everyday, your favorite online video creators also have reason to support real net neutrality. Our new website, Video Creators for Net Neutrality, showcases online video creators who rely on an open Internet to reach their audiences. Check it out and learn how you can spread the word to the public and the FCC about the valuable content we would lack in a world without net neutrality.