It's been a busy couple of days on a number of fronts and I wanted to do a quick recap to keep you up-to-date. Here is what is going down:
PK In the Know Newsletter for Nov. 30, 2006 went out yesterday.
PK In the Know Podcast for Nov. 30, 2006: mp3 | enhanced (subscribe with iTunes | MP3 RSS | All media RSS) is now available.
EFF has an action alert on the latest CableCARD issue–go and tell the FCC why you care.
Today's Wall Street Journal Review & Outlook piece entitled “Google Search: 'Copyright'” (reg. req.).
Lastly, Congress comes back next week for a short stint. We've got our ears to the ground for any lame duck bills, so make sure you're ready to call your members of Congress on issues like broadcast / radio flag and maybe even network neutrality. We'll let you know when we know if something is up!