Public Knowledge will host a press briefing Tuesday, July 12 at 2 p.m. ET to discuss two items on the Federal Communications Commission’s July 14 Open Meeting agenda: 5G wireless networks — the new spectrum frontier — and a technology transition framework as carriers phase out the legacy telephone network. Both pieces of network infrastructure are interconnected and depend on each other to function, making them critical for the development of next-generation communications services.
The spectrum frontiers Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking would make spectrum in bands above 24GHz available for 5G networks, while the technology transition item would adopt rules to guide transitions to next-generation communications technologies while also protecting consumers and marketplace competition. These items mark a significant step forward in the FCC’s commitment to promote advanced, affordable and reliable communications services for all Americans.
Harold Feld, Senior Vice President at Public Knowledge, will be joined by Chris Lewis, Vice President of Government Affairs, and Dallas Harris, Tech Policy Fellow, to review the details of the two orders and what they mean for Americans using the essential communications network of the 21st century.
The following can be attributed to Harold Feld, Senior Vice President at Public Knowledge:
“The traditional telephone network still supports everything from heart monitors to bank machines to the fire alarm in your child’s elementary school. It still serves tens of millions of Americans, and our cell phones and VOIP still depend on it to work. How we handle the final conversion to digital will determine whether this is an upgrade for all Americans or disaster waiting to happen. The ‘Spectrum Frontiers’ Order will set the pattern for our next-generation wireless networks. Together, these two orders will govern how Americans communicate with one another for the next few decades.
“The future of our communications infrastructure will be decided on July 14. It would be a shame if no one noticed because the technical details make their eyes glaze over.”
Press Call Participant Information:
WHEN: Tuesday, July 12 at 2 p.m. ET
DIAL-IN: 1-712-432-3071
PASSWORD: 676292
INSTRUCTIONS: 5* to queue questions, please state your name and outlet clearly
Please contact Communications Manager Shiva Stella to arrange follow-up interviews.