Public Knowledge attorneys will go to court Friday to defend the Federal Communications Commission’s net neutrality rules that resulted from agency’s landmark Open Internet Order last February. Appellate litigator Kevin Russell, representing Public Knowledge, Free Press and Open Technology Institute, will argue before the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals at 9:30 a.m. on December 4.
Other intervenors, including Internet companies and public interest groups, will join the FCC’s general counsel in defending the agency’s legal authority to reclassify broadband Internet as a telecommunications service. The net neutrality rules prevent broadband providers from blocking, censoring or throttling Internet content or services.
The following can be attributed to John Bergmayer, Senior Staff Attorney at Public Knowledge:
“We’re confident that the FCC’s Open Internet rules will be upheld by the D.C. Circuit. Title II of the Communications Act provides the FCC with ample authority to enact these rules, and Supreme Court precedent gives the FCC clear discretion to use that authority.
“By protecting Internet users from anticompetitive or unfair acts by their broadband providers, these rules will ensure that users can continue to access diverse and competitive Internet content and services. The Internet has become the most important platform for free speech, commerce, and much else, which is why it’s good news for the American public that the FCC stands on such solid legal ground.”
Senior Vice President Harold Feld will be present at the courthouse for interviews. Other experts will also be available for media inquiries at Public Knowledge immediately following oral arguments. Please contact Communications Manager Shiva Stella with any questions.
For more information, please view our blog posts “Net Neutrality in Court This Week: The Story of How We Got Here,” by Senior Vice President Harold Feld, and “What to Expect When You’re Expecting Oral Arguments for Yet Another Appeal of FCC Open Internet Rules,” by Government Affairs Associate Counsel Kate Forscey.