Media Alert: Public Knowledge Hosts Broadband Privacy Panel February 17
Media Alert: Public Knowledge Hosts Broadband Privacy Panel February 17
Media Alert: Public Knowledge Hosts Broadband Privacy Panel February 17

    Get Involved Today

    Public Knowledge and the Open Technology Institute at New America will host a panel on broadband privacy February 17 from 10 to 11 a.m at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center. The panel, “Preserving Broadband Network Privacy,” will discuss what potential privacy protections might look like if the Federal Communications Commission were to step forward and apply them to broadband today. The panel will also present recent writings on the topic, including a paper from Public Knowledge Senior Vice President Harold Feld.

    All members of the public, including press and Congressional staff, are encouraged to attend.

    Panelists include:

    • Harold Feld – Senior Vice President at Public Knowledge
    • Sarah Morris – Senior Policy Counsel at Open Technology Institute at New America
    • Erik Stallman – Director of the Open Internet Project at Center for Democracy & Technology
    • Mary Sisak – Alarm Industry Communications Committee

    Please RSVP for this event. Please contact Shiva Stella for all media inquiries.