Media Alert: Public Knowledge Joining Press Briefing Opposing Proposed Sprint/T-Mobile Merger
Media Alert: Public Knowledge Joining Press Briefing Opposing Proposed Sprint/T-Mobile Merger
Media Alert: Public Knowledge Joining Press Briefing Opposing Proposed Sprint/T-Mobile Merger

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    Public Knowledge will join a press briefing hosted by Communications Workers of America Wednesday, October 31 at 1 p.m. ET to outline opposition to the proposed Sprint/T-Mobile merger. Each participating organization submitted comments to the Federal Communications Commission opposing the merger, including new filings to the FCC due October 31 responding to T-Mobile and Sprint’s latest claims and assertions.

    Phillip Berenbroick, Senior Policy Counsel at Public Knowledge, will join Debbie Goldman, Research Director and Telecommunications Policy Director at Communications Workers of America, Carri Bennet, General Counsel at Rural Wireless Association, and Gaurav Laroia, Policy Counsel at Free Press, for the briefing.

    Press Call Participant Information:

    WHEN: Wednesday, October 31 at 1 p.m. ET

    DIAL-IN: 877-876-9176