Muni-WiFi in New Orleans
Muni-WiFi in New Orleans
Muni-WiFi in New Orleans

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    In case you haven't heard, the Big Easy is putting up a free municipal WiFi network. If you haven't read it yet, check out the great breakdown on an Engadget comment post from the Chris Drake, with the New Orleans' Mayor's office. Man, the places you'll find sources of information these days!

    With donations of equipment and engineering manpower from Intel, Tropos (who actually helped out with DC's OpenPark), Pronto, and Motorola, combined with Federal funds from FEMA, the network is being setup to not only spur commerce, but also provide for city services like EMS, police and fire departments, as well.

    We think Muni-WiFi can be a great development for local communities and hopefully will provide the citizens of New Orleans with some low cost universal telecommunications infrastructure. Find out about how you can promote the same in your community here.