It's so hard not to be cynical when working on tech policy. Today's net neutrality and broadcast flag debates can really get a guy down. Members of Congress and their staffs do their best to understand the growing number of issues their asked to tackle, so it's not entirely their fault. As a policy advocate on these up-hill issues, you're always telling yourself, “If Congress just understood what we're talking about here, they'd throw the Bells and the content industry out of their offices.” Unfortunately, that's rarely the case.
So, when you read an article like this one from today's The Register, you just have to sit back and laugh, appreciate that someone else gets it and can put it so elequently–even if it's sarcastic as hell.
If you understand the net neutrality debate, and you need a laugh, you've got to read Thomas C. Green's Net neutrality has ruined the web.
Then go back to fighting for net neutrality!