Podcasters and vidcasters rely on an open internet to distribute their content, plain and simple. If gatekeepers like broadband providers can degrade or block packets to and from consumers, then independently created media loses out.
To help you, the pod/vid-caster, spread the word, we've been working on some public service announcements for you to drop into your pod/vod-cast episode. Feel free to download them here. There are a few listed already from Moby, Damian Lacedaemion from This Spartan Life, and some from PK, but check back soon because we'll be posting more.
If you're a podcast subscriber, you might also email your favorite creators and ask them to support net neutrality by dropping in a PSA in their shows.
If you'd like to submit your own PSA, or would like to list your podcast as supporting net neutrality, email us or leave us a comment below.