Net Neutrality Video: This Spartan Life
Net Neutrality Video: This Spartan Life
Net Neutrality Video: This Spartan Life

    Get Involved Today

    A new video on the issue of [net neutrality]( has appeared on the ‘net and we’ve linked to it via [VideoBomb](

    Please don’t forget to VideoBomb-it while you’re there. The video is large, so please be patient–it’s worth your wait!

    If you haven’t seen [This Spartan Life]( before, what’s unique about [their videos]( is that they’re brilliantly produced inside the popular video game [Halo 2]( Turns out, the online game platform is a great way to host an entertaining interview or produce an animated story. Using a video game to tell a story like this is called *[Machinima](*. There are [some great interviews](, I highly recommend checking them out.

    Additionally, if you’re using [Democracy]( video player, you can subscribe to Public Knowledge’s “video channel” with this [RSS feed]( or you can simply go to the [PK webpage on VideoBomb]( to keep up-to-date on media related to our issues.

    Thanks to the [This Spartan Life]( crew for putting this together, Chris Burke for the heads up and links, and Damian Lacedaemion for being a great host, as usual 🙂