Recent reports have showcased the poor customer service Comcast provides and the appalling way they gouge customers as part of their business model. While many people already have a Comcast horror story, those numbers are about to increase drastically. Comcast is trying to merge with the next largest provider of cable and high speed internet (and poor customer service), Time Warner Cable.
Together Comcast and Time Warner Cable will create an unstoppable force that would become a gatekeeper for anyone who wants to connect with its over 30 million subscribers. We have released a new video describing the harms of the merger and how it will effect customers — beyond just frustrating customer service.
The FCC is currently accepting comments on whether or not the merger would be in the public interest, which it is certainly not. With just one week left in the initial comment period, Public Knowledge is launching a petition so even more consumers can tell the FCC to block the merger.
Take action today and STOP the Comcast / Time Warner Cable merger – sign the petition and share the video on Facebook. Together we can show the FCC that a bigger Comcast is NOT better.