New Voices Join Music Licensing Debate
New Voices Join Music Licensing Debate
New Voices Join Music Licensing Debate

    Get Involved Today

    Today a collection of music users and consumer advocates launched the MIC Coalition. MIC, which stands for Music. Innovation. Consumers., advocates for a predictable, balanced and transparent music marketplace. Public Knowledge supports efforts for music licensing reform that benefits both music listeners and artists.

    The following may be attributed to Jodie Griffin, Senior Staff Attorney at Public Knowledge:

    “Public Knowledge is encouraged to see more voices entering the music licensing debate, especially ones pointing out the importance of a robust, competitive marketplace. Music fans and musicians alike benefit from a market that promotes new market entrants and encourages competition among all intermediaries, including distributors, publishers, and record labels. The copyright system is meant to benefit both the artists who make the music and the public that listens to it. Ensuring strong competition in all of the ways that music makes its way from artists to audiences benefits everyone.”

    “Public Knowledge looks forward to working with all stakeholders to arrive at a fair and accountable music marketplace.”

    You may visit the MIC Coalition here.

    Members of the media may contact Communications Director Shiva Stella with inquiries, interview requests, or to join the Public Knowledge press list at or 405-249-9435.