This paper explores how we should use media policy to mitigate disinformation and its impact on democracy. Bad-faith disinformation undermines democratic institutions, polarizes and antagonizes citizens against each other, and undermines efforts to nurture democratic values in the world. A major problem is that one of the most credible and most trustworthy sources of news and information — local news — is drying up. This paper reveals how we should learn from past policy choices to foster a news environment that serves the needs of all communities, particularly those that have historically been under-served.
Go Local! Combating Misinformation Through Media Policy Promoting Localism and Diversity
This paper explores how we should use media policy to mitigate disinformation and its impact on democracy. Bad-faith disinformation undermines democratic institutions, polarizes and antagonizes citizens against each other, and undermines efforts to nurture democratic values in the world. A major problem is that one of the most credible and most trustworthy sources of news and […]
Press Release