I am in Princeton today at to speak at the Creativity & IP Law Conference, which is jointly sponsored by the Princeton University Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies and Microsoft. The conference kicked off last night with a very fun multimedia talk by Larry Lessig about the difference between “Read-Only” and “Read-Write” cultures, and how copyright law fits the first very nicely and the second not so well. Some of his examples of the R-W culture, which for lay people is stuff like mash-ups and user generated video and music, were hysterical. Two of my favorites are “Brokeback to the Future”, and George Bush and Tony Blair lip-synching Endless Love. Hadn't seen that last one before. Lots of great folks here, including Yocahi Benkler, Jessica Litman, Chris Sprigman and Ed Felten.
Princeton Conference on Creativity & IP LawPrinceton Conference on Creativity & IP LawPrinceton Conference on Creativity & IP Law
Press Release