Public Interest Groups Supports Job Creation Through Broadband Unbundling
Public Interest Groups Supports Job Creation Through Broadband Unbundling
Public Interest Groups Supports Job Creation Through Broadband Unbundling

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    Creating more competition in the broadband market will have create jobs
    and stimulate the economy, five public-interest groups told the FCC late
    Mon. in comments on Internet policy recommended by a study done for the
    Federal Communications Commission by the Berkman Center for Internet and
    Society. A copy of the comments is available

    In a filing with the Commission supporting a study on broadband
    unbundling, the groups said: “Broadband competition leads to
    economic growth, more jobs, and lower prices for consumers. As the
    Berkman Study makes clear, unbundling increases broadband penetration,
    bringing more broadband to more people and businesses. As a result,
    countries with policies that encourage structural separation experience a
    growth in Gross Domestic Product (“GDP”). This growth comes
    from the increased productivity and opportunity that broadband provides.
    The Commission should recognize the benefits that structural separation
    has brought to the countries examined in the Study, and move to create
    similar beneficial policies here in the United States.”

    Unbundling is one regulatory means of opening the telecommunications
    networks of incumbent telephone, wireless and cable companies to
    competitors to offer their own services. In addition, the groups, Public
    Knowledge, CCTV Center for Media and Democracy, Media Access Project,
    Media Alliance, and U.S. PIRG, suggested said the Commission
    “should recommend readopting open access policies such as
    unbundling and structural or functional separation for broadband services
    as part of the National Broadband Plan. Open access policies would
    increase competition in the market for broadband services and greatly
    improve the levels of penetration in this country.”

    The U.S. formerly followed open policies, but repealed many of them.
    Several studies, including one submitted with the comments, show that,
    contrary to the arguments made by incumbent carriers, unbundling does not
    hamper investment. Instead, it contributes to economic growth, the groups

    Members of the media may contact Communications Director Shiva Stella with inquiries, interview requests, or to join the Public Knowledge press list at or 405-249-9435.