Public Knowledge and Costumers File Amicus Brief at Supreme Court
Public Knowledge and Costumers File Amicus Brief at Supreme Court
Public Knowledge and Costumers File Amicus Brief at Supreme Court

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    Yesterday, Public Knowledge filed an amicus curiae brief in Varsity Brands v. Star Athletica before the Supreme Court of the United States. The International Costumers’ Guild and the Royal Manticoran Navy, two popular costuming organizations, joined Public Knowledge in this brief urging the Supreme Court to consider the rights of hobbyists and consumers potentially affected by this case.

    The following can be attributed to Meredith Rose, Staff Attorney at Public Knowledge:

    “We are thrilled to join this brief with two prominent groups who represent thousands of creative and imaginative minds. This case touches on very fundamental questions about design, ownership, and the scope of copyright law. How the Court chooses to answer these questions could have enormous implications for consumers, including costumers in particular. Public Knowledge believes that costumers should have a right to practice their craft and celebrate the things they love without fear of litigation. We are working to support this community, and all consumers, as this case moves forward.”

    You may view our blog post, “Cosplay Goes to the Supreme Court,” for more information on this case. You may also view the amicus brief.