Public Knowledge Announces Staff Additions
Public Knowledge Announces Staff Additions
Public Knowledge Announces Staff Additions

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    Public Knowledge President Gigi B. Sohn today announced the addition of two new staff members for the organization.

    Jef Pearlman is an Equal Justice Works fellow for the next two years. He is a 1999 graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, earned a Master's degree from MIT in computer science in 2000 and received his law degree from Stanford Law School in 2006. Jef will be working on amicus briefs, FCC filings and broadband issues.

    Rashmi Rangnath, a PK Law Clerk, received her Bachelors in Academic Laws (B.A. equivalent) in 1998 and her LL.B. (J.D. equivalent) from the University of Mysore in Mysore, India. After getting married and coming to the U.S., Rashmi received her LL.M. degree in International Legal Studies with a specialization in International and Comparative Protection of Intellectual Property from American University Washington College of Law in 2006. Rashmi works on copyright and patent issues.

    “Both Jef and Rashmi were interns at Public Knowledge, and we are pleased to welcome them back. They will contribute immeasurably to the important work we do,” Sohn said.