Public Knowledge Applauds Court’s Decision to Keep Net Neutrality Rules in Place
Public Knowledge Applauds Court’s Decision to Keep Net Neutrality Rules in Place
Public Knowledge Applauds Court’s Decision to Keep Net Neutrality Rules in Place

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    Today, the DC Circuit Court denied a Motion for Stay of the Federal Communications Commission’s Open Internet rules. This enables the FCC to begin implementing its landmark Order, which reclassifies broadband Internet service providers as common carriers under Title II of the Communications Act. The DC Circuit was right on the law and the facts in rejecting the carriers’ extraordinary claims, and while the carriers’ case is being heard, Internet users will benefit from the protection of the FCC’s rules.

    The following can be attributed to John Bergmayer, Senior Staff Attorney at Public Knowledge:

    “The court has rightly rejected the carriers’ arguments. It has seen that their claims that they’d be ‘irreparably harmed’ as a result of having to protect consumers’ privacy, and that their businesses depend on restricting consumer choice, are simply not credible. The carriers have also failed to convince the court that they are likely to succeed in their legal case.

    “The FCC’s pro-consumer and pro-competition Open Internet rules are going to be in effect as of tomorrow, and that’s cause to celebrate. However, the FCC and intervenors like Public Knowledge still have a lot of work to do before the court defending the FCC’s order.”

    Link to the DC Circuit Court Order here.