Public Knowledge Applauds FCC Denial of Net Neutrality Stay
Public Knowledge Applauds FCC Denial of Net Neutrality Stay
Public Knowledge Applauds FCC Denial of Net Neutrality Stay

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    Today, the Federal Communications Commission denied Petitions for Stay from multiple parties who asked the FCC to delay applying their landmark Open Internet Order, which reclassifies broadband Internet access service under Title II of the Communications Act.

    The FCC denied petitions from Daniel Berninger, Founder of the Voice Communication Exchange Committee; the American Cable Association and the National Cable and Telecommunications Association; and the United States Telecom Association, CTIA – The Wireless Association, AT&T, Wireless Internet Service Providers Association, and Centurylink. Public Knowledge applauds the FCC for continuing to support an Internet that is, in the words of Chairman Wheeler, “fast, fair and open.”

    Public Knowledge previously filed an opposition to the Berninger Petition.

    The following can be attributed to Harold Feld, Senior Vice President at Public Knowledge:

    “The argument of the cable and telephone companies hinged on the argument that respecting user privacy and requiring disability access — as required under Title II — would be too great a burden. Looking through the affidavits detailing how cable and telephone broadband providers already snoop through our Internet traffic, we should all be grateful the FCC refused to stay the rules.

    “The cable and telephone companies will now go to the D.C. Circuit to argue that they will suffer ‘irreparable harm’ from all this privacy protection and the other consumer protections in Title II. We can only hope that the D.C. Circuit likewise rejects the argument that protecting subscriber privacy and respecting the Open Internet is not too much to ask companies that provide critical broadband services.”

    You may view Mr. Berninger’s petition, the NCTA and ACA petition, and the U.S. Telecom Association petition for more information. You may also view our Opposition to Mr. Berninger’s Petition for Stay here.