Today, the Federal Communications Commission unveiled a labeling system for consumer broadband, developed by the Commission’s Consumer Advisory Committee with support from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The sample labels and format closely mirror the widely recognizable food nutritional labels, and seek to provide consumers with information they need to evaluate various broadband service options. The labels provide clarity and certainty for broadband providers, as adopting them for use both at point of sale and online will presumptively satisfy the Commission’s transparency requirements under the 2015 Open Internet Order.
The following may be attributed to Kate Forscey, Associate Counsel for Government Affairs:
“This action represents important follow-through on the FCC’s principles of transparency in a straightforward format. The familiar “nutritional label” easily allows the average consumer to understand exactly what they are getting from their broadband providers.
“The FCC today clarified for broadband providers its expectations regarding transparency disclosures to consumers about the broadband products for which they are paying. This should grant providers some of the certainty that they have been calling for in the ongoing conversation regarding ensuring Internet openness in the digital age. Public Knowledge applauds this example of the FCC's ongoing commitment to its historic Open Internet rules.”