Public Knowledge Applauds FCC’s Signal Booster Proposals
Public Knowledge Applauds FCC’s Signal Booster Proposals
Public Knowledge Applauds FCC’s Signal Booster Proposals

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    Earlier today, the Federal Communications Commission issued a notice of proposed rulemaking to guide installation and purchase of cellular signal boosters for home use.  The NPRM is here.

    The following statement is attributed to Harold Feld, legal director for Public Knowledge:

    “We applaud the Commission for moving forward on a consumer-friendly issue that will also help to improve the deployment of broadband.  Signal boosters in the home, when designed to avoid interference, will contribute to improving wireless coverage.  Consumers should have the right to purchase a signal booster of their choice, without being tethered to any particular service.  The rules on which the Commission finally agrees will go a long way to making certain consumers can take the full advantage of broadband services.

    “We are pleased the Commission is taking the initiative to bring together carriers and manufacturers to provide a collaborative effort so that boosters can become more widespread in homes and workplaces.”