Today, the Federal Trade Commission voted to streamline the agency’s process for creating rules against unfair and deceptive practices. Public Knowledge supports updating the rulemaking process so that it is easier for the Commission to develop substantive privacy rules, rules on the safety and effectiveness of algorithms and artificial intelligence, and rules about data security.
The following can be attributed to Sara Collins, Senior Policy Counsel at Public Knowledge:
“We are excited to see the FTC make these changes to the rulemaking process. Protecting consumers from privacy harms, algorithmic harms, and other data protection harms will require the FTC to use all the tools in their toolbox — including rulemaking. This is a necessary first step so that any rules the agency does decide to create are not hampered by unnecessary administrative burdens.
“For decades, the FTC has voted on all agency matters privately. Chairwoman Khan’s decision to break with tradition and hold monthly public meetings is a boon for transparency, accountability, and consumers.”
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