Background: The rock band Pearl Jam has posted on its Web site an account of a recent Webcast concert being censored by AT&T, which carried the event. The full description is here
The following is attributed to Gigi B. Sohn, president and co-founder of Public Knowledge:
“It is nothing short of appalling that AT&T should take it upon itself to censor a Webcast because it didn't like the content of lyrics being sung by a band.
“This incident goes beyond AT&T's explanation that the blocking of lyrics was due to an overzealous 'content monitor.'
“How can we trust a company that promises not to interfere with content on the Internet when it has its corporate finger on the button to cut off political criticisms it doesn't like? The admitted censoring of a Pearl Jam performance is just one more reason why content should be protected against the actions of a company looking out for itself, rather than for consumers and the free flow of information over the Internet.
“We join Pearl Jam in condemning censorship and in promoting Internet Freedom. We hope the FCC and Congress take note.”
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