Public Knowledge Calls for FCC to Act Quickly to Protect Customers
Public Knowledge Calls for FCC to Act Quickly to Protect Customers
Public Knowledge Calls for FCC to Act Quickly to Protect Customers

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    Today the Chair of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Tom Wheeler, responded to last month’s court decision to repeal the net neutrality rules.

    The following can be attributed to Gene Kimmelman, President and CEO of Public Knowledge: 

    “As the DC Court of Appeals affirmed last month, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has authority to protect consumers and innovators online. We are pleased that the FCC plans to protect Internet openness, promote transparency, encourage municipal broadband, and achieve other goals. The recently proposed acquisition of Time Warner Cable by Comcast makes it even more important for the Commission to move expeditiously to reinstate nondiscrimination rules by using all regulatory tools available. While skeptical that the FCC’s initial focus on section 706 will yield meaningful results, we are encouraged to see that the FCC plans to keep its ‘reclassification’ proceeding open. 

    “We commend the FCC for launching an effort to promote municipal broadband and other forms of broadband competition. Laws passed at the urging of industry lobbyists limit vital broadband services and competitive entry in 20 states. Cities and towns should be free to build systems, and offer citizens more choices and lower prices.” 

    Members of the media may contact Communications Director Shiva Stella with inquiries, interview requests, or to join the Public Knowledge press list at or 405-249-9435.