Public Knowledge Commends FCC for Focusing on Merits in Comcast Merger
Public Knowledge Commends FCC for Focusing on Merits in Comcast Merger
Public Knowledge Commends FCC for Focusing on Merits in Comcast Merger

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    Recent reports indicate that staff at the Federal Communications Commission may be leaning against the merger between Comcast and Time Warner Cable. Public Knowledge is hopeful that Chairman Tom Wheeler and other FCC Commissioners will review any recommendations free of the intense politicization of this merger, which Public Knowledge views as not in the public interest.

    The following statement can be attributed to Public Knowledge President Gene Kimmelman:

    “The proposed merger between Comcast and Time Warner Cable raises many complex issues, and Chairman Wheeler deserves credit for allowing FCC staff to review this transaction free from outside interference. This is a highly charged topic, and by all accounts, the review process has focused on the merits of the arguments and the evidence and not political considerations.

    “We're confident that the case Public Knowledge and others have put forth against the merger is strong, and expect the final decision-makers at the FCC to similarly focus on the economic, legal, and public interest reasons why this deal is harmful to competition, and not be swayed by Comcast's formidable lobbying machine.

    “As we enter the final stages of the review of this transaction, Public Knowledge will continue to explain to policymakers how this merger would be a bad deal for the public.”