Public Knowledge Commends New York Attorney General Schneiderman for Protecting Consumers
Public Knowledge Commends New York Attorney General Schneiderman for Protecting Consumers
Public Knowledge Commends New York Attorney General Schneiderman for Protecting Consumers

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    Today, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced a lawsuit against Charter Communications for “allegedly conducting a deliberate scheme to defraud and mislead New Yorkers by promising internet service that they knew they could not deliver.”

    The following can be attributed to John Bergmayer, Senior Counsel at Public Knowledge:

    “Public Knowledge is glad to see the New York Attorney General protecting broadband users. Consumers deserve to get the speeds they’re paying for.

    “In uncompetitive markets like consumer broadband, it's too easy for companies to offer customers a substandard service, year after year, including tricking them into upgrades that are never delivered. As Attorney General Schneiderman stated, your cable company ‘has been ripping you off.’

    “We are pleased to see State Attorneys General playing an important role in protecting consumers in the communications marketplace.”