For Immediate Release
Background: The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation this afternoon approved legislation (S 1492), sponsored by Committee Chairman Daniel Inouye (D-HI) that would require the Federal Communications Commission to change the way information is collected about the deployment of high-speed Internet services.
The following is attributed to Gigi B. Sohn, president and co-founder of Public Knowledge:
“The Senate Commerce Committee's action this afternoon is one vital element in constructing a new telecommunications policy for the United States. It is obvious that the Federal Communications Commission's methods for collecting information about the availability of high-speed Internet services in the United States are woefully inaccurate and incomplete. “In order to begin to fashion a new policy, we must have better data. This legislation will go a long way to taking the important step of giving policymakers accurate information that is needed if the United States is to raise its standing in the world rankings for the availability of broadband service. We look forward to action on the bill by the full Senate.”
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