For Immediate Release
Contact: Art Brodsky, 202-518-0020 (o), 301-908-7715 (c),
Background: AT&T this morning reported very strong financial results for the fourth quarter of 2006. The following statement is attributable to Gigi B. Sohn, president of Public Knowledge:
“We are pleased that AT&T presented such a strong financial picture to Wall Street and to shareholders.
“The fact that AT&T reported nearly $2 billion in profits, up 17% from a year ago, double-digit growth in earnings per share, growth in residential lines should put to rest any concerns that Net Neutrality requirements will harm AT&T's growth now or in the future.
“Chairman Edward Whitacre said this morning that the company is 'heading into 2007 with excellent momentum.' We hope AT&T won't let that momentum be slowed by its campaign to take control of the Internet and opposition to Net Neutrality legislation.”
Public Knowledge is a public-interest advocacy and education organization that seeks to promote a balanced approach to intellectual property law and technology policy that reflects the “cultural bargain” intended by the framers of the constitution. More information available at: