Earlier today, U.S. Dist. Judge Naomi Buchwald of the Southern District of New York issued a ruling shutting down the streaming service of ivi. Public Knowledge, along with Electronic Frontier Foundation, Media Access Project and Open Technology Initiative, filed an amicus brief supporting ivi.
The following statement is attributed to John Bergmayer, staff attorney for Public Knowledge:
“We are disappointed that Judge Buchwald chose to shut down ivi’s streaming servivce at all, much less so early in the legal process. Her decision showed clearly the ambiguities in current law and regulation which online video providers like ivi face.
“If competition to traditional cable service is to develop in the online distribution sector, then the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Copyright Office are going to have to move quickly to update their rules to conform to the realities of new technology and consumer choice.”
A copy of Judge Naomi Buchwald’s decision is here.
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