Public Knowledge Expresses Trade Promotion Authority Concerns to U.S. Trade Representative
Public Knowledge Expresses Trade Promotion Authority Concerns to U.S. Trade Representative
Public Knowledge Expresses Trade Promotion Authority Concerns to U.S. Trade Representative

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    Yesterday, Public Knowledge sent a letter to Ambassador Froman, the United States Trade Representative, expressing concerns about intellectual property provisions in the recently-introduced Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) bill.

    The following can be attributed to Public Knowledge President Gene Kimmelman:

    “The proposed TPA, or 'fast-track,' bill sets out the goals of the United States in its trade negotiations. One of those goals is 'promoting the protection of intellectual property rights,' and promoting a 'level of protection' similar to that in the United States.

    “Although protecting copyrights and patents is a worthy goal, we should not make the mistake of thinking that our protections are perfect. Nor should we export our stronger protections without also balancing them with our strong limitations and exceptions, like fair use, which allow consumers and businesses alike to benefit from the free flow of speech and information alongside strong IP protections.

    “We're therefore urging the USTR to address these concerns as discussion and debate over TPA continues.”

    You may view the letter here.