Public Knowledge Files FCC Reply Comments to Protect Consumer Privacy Online
Public Knowledge Files FCC Reply Comments to Protect Consumer Privacy Online
Public Knowledge Files FCC Reply Comments to Protect Consumer Privacy Online

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    Yesterday, Public Knowledge  joined other public interest groups in submitting reply comments to the Federal Communications Commission’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on protecting the privacy of broadband customers. The NPRM seeks to examine privacy rules governing the use of personal consumer data by broadband internet access service providers.

    The following can be attributed to Harold Feld, Senior Vice President at Public Knowledge:

    “It seems like every day there’s a new story about broadband providers using customer data in questionable ways. With companies such as Comcast bragging about how it scrapes data from set-top boxes and AT&T extending its “pay for privacy” promotions with its gigabit services, it seems the privacy parade of horribles is already here and becoming more entrenched by the day. Unless the FCC acts quickly to protect the privacy of broadband subscribers from the ISPs that control these on ramps to the Internet, consumers will lose the last shreds of privacy that remain to them in the digital age.”

    You may view our comments here. You may also view our latest article, “American privacy in the digital era should not be for sale,” for more information.