Public Knowledge Files Petition to Deny Proposed Charter, Time Warner Cable Merger
Public Knowledge Files Petition to Deny Proposed Charter, Time Warner Cable Merger
Public Knowledge Files Petition to Deny Proposed Charter, Time Warner Cable Merger

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    Today, Public Knowledge, joined by Common Cause, Consumers Union, and Open MIC, filed a petition with the Federal Communications Commission asking the agency to deny the merger of Charter, Time Warner Cable, and Bright House Networks as proposed unless a broad set of concerns are thoroughly addressed.

    The following can be attributed to John Bergmayer, Senior Staff Attorney at Public Knowledge:

    “The proposed combination of Charter, Time Warner Cable, and Bright House raises serious questions as to whether consumers will lose out in an ever-consolidating video marketplace. Like it did in the failed Comcast/Time Warner Cable merger proposal, the FCC must ensure that the increased market power this deal would give Charter would not harm competition, diversity of programming, or the public interest.”

    You may view the Petition to Deny.