Public Knowledge Finds Verizon Programming Complaint ‘Curious’
Public Knowledge Finds Verizon Programming Complaint ‘Curious’
Public Knowledge Finds Verizon Programming Complaint ‘Curious’

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    Background: Verizon has filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission to gain access to programming provided by Cablevision and its Rainbow Media Holdings subsidiary. The following statement is attributable to Gigi B. Sohn, president and co-founder of Public Knowledge:

    “Verizon certainly has the right to complain about access to Rainbow's programming. But it is extremely curious that Verizon, by opposing an enforceable net neutrality law, would not grant the same rights to others to gain access to its broadband system. Verizon appears to favor government rules to enforce competition to benefit Verizon, but not when others could benefit.

    “Verizon's complaint demonstrates that a properly tailored government rule (whether program access or net neutrality) can promote competition and restrain the abuse of market power.”