Public Knowledge Goes to Court to Defend Net Neutrality
Public Knowledge Goes to Court to Defend Net Neutrality
Public Knowledge Goes to Court to Defend Net Neutrality

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    Today, Public Knowledge filed to intervene in support of the Federal Communications Commission against Internet service provider lawsuits to overturn the FCC’s Open Internet rules. The filing defends the FCC’s decision to reclassify broadband Internet access service as a telecommunications service.

    The following may be attributed to Jodie Griffin, Senior Staff Attorney at Public Knowledge:

    “Public Knowledge has long argued that Title II of the Communications Act is the FCC’s strongest and most logical source of authority for the Open Internet rules. Now that carriers have decided to litigate instead of moving forward, Public Knowledge is intervening to defend the rules in court. We are particularly pleased to answer USTA’s challenge in the D.C. Circuit, given that the FCC scrupulously followed the court’s ‘roadmap’ to real net neutrality through Title II reclassification.

    “When the FCC reclassified broadband Internet access service as a telecommunications service, it wasn’t just following the most reasonable reading of the statute. Recent court decisions make clear that the FCC must use its Title II authority to implement strong Open Internet rules, and the FCC did just that. We are confident the courts will uphold the FCC’s Title II authority despite ISP attempts to discriminate, allowing Americans to enjoy a truly open Internet.”

    Public Knowledge’s filing is available here. You may also view other net neutrality litigation documents.