Public Knowledge Hopeful New Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim Will Protect Consumers
Public Knowledge Hopeful New Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim Will Protect Consumers
Public Knowledge Hopeful New Assistant Attorney General Makan Delrahim Will Protect Consumers

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    Today, the U.S. Senate voted to confirm Makan Delrahim to be the Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust at the Department of Justice.

    The following can be attributed to Public Knowledge President Gene Kimmelman:

    “Given Mr. Delrahim's extensive background and knowledge of antitrust, we hope he will maintain and extend the enforcement practices the Antitrust Division has applied over the last eight years.

    “As the digital economy continues to become central to our lives, rigorous antitrust enforcement will be more important than ever for consumers to reap the rewards of an open, competitive and fair marketplace. We look forward to working with Mr. Delrahim to achieve these important goals.”