Today, Public Knowledge joins the Save Wireless Choice Coalition to ensure the future of wireless competition for Americans. Partnering with other public interest groups, wireless companies, and consumer and trade organizations, Save Wireless Choice works to encourage the Federal Communications Commission to protect consumers by increasing the size of the critical spectrum reserve to 40 MHz. The coalition also urges the FCC to hold the next incentive auction in early 2016.
The following may be attributed to Harold Feld, Senior Vice President of Public Knowledge:
“We can’t let AT&T and Verizon, the two largest carriers, completely dominate the wireless market by buying up all the spectrum licenses. This lack of competition drives prices up for consumers and encourages carriers to overlook updating their own networks. In order to promote wireless competition and innovation, we need to help competitors acquire sufficient high-quality low-band spectrum. Otherwise, AT&T and Verizon continue to walk all over the wireless market — and consumers.”
You may view the coalition website here.